Default locale
Fallback locales
Defined 70
These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::IS_BLANK_ERROR | Input should not be empty. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::INVALID_EMAIL_FORMAT_ERROR | Invalid email address. Email addresses must use the format "". |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::NOT_EQUAL_ERROR | Confirmation field does not match. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | error.VIOLATION::TOO_SHORT_ERROR | Input is too short. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.skipToContentLink | Skip to main content |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.skipToSearch | Skip to search |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.skipToNavigation | Skip to main navigation |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.noscriptNotice | To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.topBarAriaLabel | Shop settings |
en-GB | messages | 2 |
[ "%lang%" => "English" ] [ "%lang%" => "English" ] |
Change language (English is the current language) |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.languageList | Available languages |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.logoLink | Go to homepage |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.logo.title1 | Free delivery |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.menuLink | Menu |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.searchPlaceholder | Enter search term... |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.searchButton | Search |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.searchCloseButton | Close the dropdown search |
en-GB | messages | 2 | header.wishlist | Wishlist |
en-GB | messages | 3 | account.myAccount | Your account |
en-GB | messages | 3 | general.offcanvasCloseMenu | Close menu |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.loginSubmit | Log in |
en-GB | messages | 1 | account.orRegister | or |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.orRegisterLink | Sign up |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.overviewLink | Overview |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.profileLink | Your profile |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.addressLink | Addresses |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.paymentLink | Payment methods |
en-GB | messages | 2 | account.ordersLink | Orders |
en-GB | messages | 3 | checkout.cartTitle | Shopping cart |
en-GB | messages | 5 | | * |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.navigationAriaLabel | Main navigation |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.homeLink | Home |
en-GB | messages | 7 | general.toCategory | Show all |
en-GB | messages | 2 | general.mainMenu | Show all categories |
en-GB | messages | 3 | general.back | Back |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%category%" => "Crest Recycled Ritter Pen Kugelschreiber" ] |
Show Crest Recycled Ritter Pen Kugelschreiber |
en-GB | messages | 1 | component.cms.imageGallery.skipImageGallery | Skip image gallery |
en-GB | messages | 2 |
[ "%total%" => 5 ] |
Image gallery containing 5 items |
en-GB | messages | 4 | general.previous | Previous |
en-GB | messages | 4 | | Next |
en-GB | messages | 5 |
[ "%index%" => 1 "%total%" => 5 ] [ "%index%" => 2 "%total%" => 5 ] [ "%index%" => 3 "%total%" => 5 ] [ "%index%" => 4 "%total%" => 5 ] [ "%index%" => 5 "%total%" => 5 ] |
Show image 1 of 5 |
en-GB | messages | 1 | detail.dataColumnQuantity | Quantity |
en-GB | messages | 1 | detail.dataColumnPrice | Unit price |
en-GB | messages | 3 | detail.priceDataInfoUntil | To |
en-GB | messages | 1 | detail.priceDataInfoFrom | From |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.netTaxInformation | Prices excl. VAT plus shipping costs |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
(pluralization is used)
[ "%count%" => 1 "%restockTime%" => 1 "%name%" => "15-20 days" ] |
Available in 1 day, delivery time 15-20 days |
en-GB | messages | 1 | component.product.quantitySelect.legend | Product Quantity: Enter the desired amount or use the buttons to increase or decrease the quantity. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | component.product.quantitySelect.decrease | Decrease quantity |
en-GB | messages | 1 | component.product.quantitySelect.label | Quantity |
en-GB | messages | 1 | component.product.quantitySelect.increase | Increase quantity |
en-GB | messages | 1 | component.product.quantitySelect.areaLiveText | Quantity of %product% set to %quantity%. |
en-GB | messages | 3 | detail.addProduct | Add to shopping cart |
en-GB | messages | 3 | listing.addToWishlist | Add to wishlist |
en-GB | messages | 1 | listing.removeFromWishlist | Remove from wishlist |
en-GB | messages | 1 | detail.productNumberLabel | Product number: |
en-GB | messages | 1 | detail.tabsDescription | Description |
en-GB | messages | 1 | detail.tabsPreviewMore | More |
en-GB | messages | 1 | detail.descriptionTitle | Product information |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.serviceHotlineHeadline | Service hotline |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.serviceHotline | Ordering, support and counselling via: <a href="tel:+497216237755">+49 (0)721 62377-55</a> Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 pm |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/5154915527c1467e81025034ffefe20d" ] |
Or via our <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/5154915527c1467e81025034ffefe20d" href="/en/widgets/cms/5154915527c1467e81025034ffefe20d" title="Contact form">contact form</a>. |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/27e03be161c44b7e946696f9a2cd88bb" "%star%" => "* " ] |
* All prices excl. VAT plus <a data-ajax-modal="true" href="/en/widgets/cms/27e03be161c44b7e946696f9a2cd88bb" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/27e03be161c44b7e946696f9a2cd88bb">shipping costs</a> and possible delivery charges, if not stated otherwise. |
en-GB | messages | 1 | footer.copyrightInfo | Realised with Shopware |
en-GB | messages | 1 | general.scrollUpBtn | Go back to the top of the page |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.headline | Cookie preferences |
en-GB | messages | 1 |
[ "%url%" => "/en/widgets/cms/661d02619a97464b98061de2a0c840f6" ] |
This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/661d02619a97464b98061de2a0c840f6" href="/en/widgets/cms/661d02619a97464b98061de2a0c840f6" title="More information">More information...</a> |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.deny | Only technically required |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.configure | Configure |
en-GB | messages | 1 | cookie.acceptAll | Accept all cookies |
Fallback 0
These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.
No fallback translation messages were used.
Missing 4
These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.topbarHotline | header.topbarHotline |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.logo.text1 | header.logo.text1 |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.logo.title2 | header.logo.title2 |
en-GB | messages | 1 | header.logo.text2 | header.logo.text2 |